Quincus Release 2.3.0

Product updates

Highlighted features in our 2.3.0 release include the following:

  • Execute your operations faster by bulk printing multiple shipping documents and bulk sending tracking URL notifications
  • Configure your Order ID and Shipment ID to suit your business operations
  • Manage the content and triggers of your notifications to your end-customers 

  • Q-Communications
    • Set up triggers for your notifications
    • Customize your message and email templates to be sent to your recipients
  • Order Management
    • Configure Order and Shipment ID to suit your business
    • Bulk printing multiple shipping documents and bulk sending tracking URL notifications
  • Q-Ship
    • Bulk printing multiple shipping documents and bulk sending tracking URL notifications
  • Dispatch Management
    • Simplifying address changes to street level.




    • Bulk printing multiple shipping documents and bulk sending tracking URL notifications


    • Simplifying address changes to street level.