Quincus Release 6.4.1

Release 6.4.1 is here with exciting enhancements and crucial fixes. Explore the release notes below to see how these updates can streamline your organization's operations.

Release 6.4.1 Features

Click on the link in the feature column to read more about each feature.



Custom Field Visibility Control

Quincus Platform > Admin > Custom Field

This enhancement allows for more precise data collection tailored to your specific needs and reduces user friction by eliminating unnecessary fields.

hide and unhide custom fields

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Customer Pricing

Enhanced Price Record Export for Seamless Billing Integration

Quincus Platform > Customer Pricing > Price Repository > Export Price Records
  • We have enhanced the price record export file by including additional fields to enable you to better map each price record and line item to your external billing systems.

This update aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of your billing processes.

New fields include:

New fields: Description:
service_code The code of the service type selected for the order associated to this price record.
origin_country_code The 2-letter ISO country code of the country where the order associated to this price record is originated from.
destination_country_code The 2-letter ISO country code of the country where the order associated to this price record is destined for.
origin_postal_code The postal code of the origin address for the order associated to this price record.
destination_postal_code The postal code of the destination address for the order associated to this price record.
rate_card_id The rate card used by the Quincus Platform Customer Pricing capability to compute the pricing of the current price item.
ready_for_billing_date The date in which the price record's financial status is updated to "Ready for Billing".

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Customized Label Printing with QFlow

* QFlow is configured outside of the Quincus Platform.
  • Design custom shipping documents with flexible options to incorporate logos, icons, tables, and data that align with your business requirements.
  • Set up custom workflows for label printing on QFlow, configuring specific conditions for each label to be displayed and printed on the Quincus Platform and Quincus Customer Portal. 

This update aims to provide flexibility in configuring order workflows, streamline label printing processes, ensure label consistency, and reduce erroneous shipment handling caused by inconsistent information across different contexts.

Custom Label_1

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Enhancements are improvements made to existing features on the Quincus Platform.

Capabilities: Enhancements:
> System email
We have revamped our onboarding and verification email templates to provide a better user experience.
Shipment 2.0
& QFlow

Alerts will now be displayed when a shipment's dimensions and weight exceed the acceptable limits.
Shipment 2.0 is now capable of receiving and displaying IDs generated externally (outside of Quincus Platform) via workflow setup using QFlow.
Shipment 2.0
> Operations update
> Shipment milestone
Added error message to handle cases where a user attempts to update the milestone of a shipment they do not have the permission to access.
Customer Portal
> Order Activity Page
Improved the UX copy on the timeline tracker in the customer view to provide clearer information to customers.



Fixes are corrections made to bugs and defects that were reported on the Quincus Platform between the previous release and the current release.

Capabilities: Fixes:

> Custom fields list

Fixed the alignment issues for custom fields with long names.

> Custom fields
> Data type = Number

The character " - " (dash) is no longer accepted if a custom field data type is set up as "Number".

> Login

Unlocking a blocked account now redirects users to an account unlocked confirmation page with a "back to login" button.

> User role

The "View" action for certain features no longer includes access to "Create" or "Edit" actions.

> Customer account

Fixed the issue where the 'remark' field in the customer account form was pre-filled with values from the previous form attempt.

& Customer Portal
> Edit Order



Fixed the issue where changes to the company and department fields of an order were not reflected in the change log.
The "Shipment Type" field can no-longer be edited.
Fixed the issue where a shipment custom field can be removed after an order is edited.

& Customer Portal
> Bulk Order

Fixed the issue where any input to the handover date field results in an invalid error.

& Customer Portal
> Create single order



Fixed the issue where the estimated delivery time period does not display on the single order form upon entering a valid pickup/drop-off date and time.
Fixed the issue where soft errors are incorrectly displayed upon creating a new order.
Fixed the issue where users were not able to manually select the pickup time from the time picker.

& Customer Portal
> Single and Bulk orders

Fixed the issue where duplicate sender reference IDs could be used to create orders for the same customer account.

Shipment 2.0
& QFlow
> Dims & Weight

Fixed the issue where bulk-updating dimensions and weight failed when the uploaded CSV contained shipments with both passed and failed QFlow validations.

Shipment 2.0
> Hub operations

Fixed the issue where multiple shipping labels cannot be printed in one-go on the Hub Operations page.

Order, Shipment 2.0,
& QFlow
> Custom shipping labels

Fixed the issue where custom shipping labels configured on QFlow were generating 'No content' PDFs on the Quincus Platform.

Customer Pricing
> Shipping charges
> Filters

Fixed the issue where the filters are not displaying shipping charges according to the criteria selected in the filter(s).

Customer Pricing
> Financial status

Fixed the issue where milestones with alphanumeric codes could not be saved as financial status triggers.