Quincus Release 6.4.3

Release 6.4.3 is here with exciting enhancements and crucial fixes. Explore the release notes below to see how these updates can streamline your organization's operations.


Enhancements are improvements made to existing features on the Quincus Platform.

Capabilities: Enhancements:


> Bulk Upload
> Services

The bulk upload template for service types has been divided into two separate templates to better accommodate the bulk upload of service types with multiple O-D pairs.

The service template is now split into:

  • Services
    • Consists of the general setup for each service type.
  • Service Configs
    • Consists of the location coverage and SLA setup for each service type.

Please refer to this page to learn more about how you can set up your service types using these new templates.

Order & Customer Portal

> Bulk Order

A new field has been added to the bulk order import template:

  • shipment_1_shipment_reference_id
    [Added before the field "shipment_1_shipment_type"]
    • This is an optional field.


> Export order

A new field has been added to the order export file:

  • shipment_1_shipment_id_label
  • shipment_1_shipment_reference_id




Fixes are corrections to bugs and defects reported on the Quincus Platform between the previous and current releases.

Capabilities: Fixes:


> Bulk Upload
> Services

Improved performance when bulk uploading more than 100 records in a single operation.


> Bulk Upload
> Services

Fixed the issue where incorrect error messages were produced in the service types bulk upload file when errors were present.


> Settings
> Services
> Edit

Fixed the issue where the "Last updated" column on the service types list was not updated even after editing a service type record.


> Settings
> Services

Improved performance in the service types listing page freezes when more than 15 lanes are added to one service type record.


> Edit order

Fixed the issue where scheduled and arrival times are not editable when service add-on = "line haul".

Shipment v2

> Hub operations
> Dims & Weight

Fixed the issue where dims & weight cannot be updated to a shipment after vendor booking status is updated for all segments in advanced.

Shipment v2

> Hub operations
> Consolidation

Fixed the issue where a placeholder value is displayed as the consolidated at facility's person in charge name, instead of what was set up in the facility master data.

Shipment v2

> Shipments
> Journey segments

Fixed the issue where the timezone for the flight arrival time is wrongly displayed in the destination facility's timezone instead of the origin facility's timezone.