Quincus Release 6.4.0

Release 6.4.0 is here, packed with new features and enhancements to streamline your operations. Dive into the details and discover how these updates can benefit your organization by reading the release notes below.


Release 6.4.0 features 

Click on the link in the feature column to read more about each feature.

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 Advanced service type configuration 

Quincus Platform > Admin > Settings > Services

This update further streamlines your order operations by auto-computing service SLAs based on service routes and operating schedules, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Advanced service type config

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Enhanced milestone configuration 

Quincus Platform > Admin > Settings > Milestones
  • Establish a difference between customer-facing and operations milestones.
  • Set up milestone reasons that accompany each milestone update.

This update enhances the existing milestone feature on the Quincus Platform, adding more utility by providing context to milestone updates and ensuring that updated milestones are shown to the appropriate user groups.

Enhanced milestone config

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Set up custom fields

Quincus Platform > Admin > Settings > Custom Fields
  • Use custom fields to capture additional information needed from your customers and operations team during order creation and shipment consolidation.

This update allows you to customize order and shipment fields, giving your organization the flexibility to capture essential information unique to your daily operations.

custom field list

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Designate facilities as drop-off points

Quincus Platform > Admin > Locations
  • Enable customers to self-drop-off their shipments at designated facilities.
  • Set up facility drop-off operating hours to specify when customers can drop off their shipments at the chosen facility.

This update enables your organization to provide self-drop-off options to end-customers, expanding your service offerings and enhancing customer convenience. 

facility designate as dropoff

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Enhanced service type selection

Quincus Platform > Order > Orders > Create Order
  • Service types are now paired with service add-ons, enabling your customers to select either pickup or drop-off service for their order.
  • Allow customers to choose their preferred pickup and drop-off dates within your business's operating schedule.
  • Automatically calculate the estimated delivery time, based on your SLA configuration and operating schedule.

This update ensures that your end-customers select only service types and add-ons applicable to their order routes, improving order accuracy, reducing processing errors, therefore enhancing the overall customer experience.

Service type selector

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Shipment 2.0

Milestones enhancement

Quincus Platform > Shipment > Hub Operations > Operations Update > Shipment Milestone

This update adds a secondary level of description to milestone updates, offering more context and instructions on how shipment handling should proceed.

Milestone reasons update

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Rail segment support

Quincus Platform > Shipment > Shipments > Edit Journey
  • You can now manually plan each shipment's journey to include rail segments.

This update enables your organization to keep detailed records of rail transportation, making it easy to monitor cut-off times, assigned carriers, and rail numbers.

rail segment 2

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Sea segment support

Quincus Platform > Shipment > Shipments > Edit Journey
  • You can now manually plan each shipment's journey to include sea segments.

This update enables your organization to keep detailed records of sea transportation, making it easy to monitor cut-off times, assigned carriers, and voyage numbers.

sea segment 2

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Lane setup enhancement

Quincus Platform > Network > Allocation Matrix

This update enables you to plan distinct lanes tailored to specific customer accounts, complementing existing parameters such as service types and origin-destination pairs.

allomatrix customer account

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Customer Pricing

Introducing: Pricing Contracts

Quincus Platform > Customer Pricing > Contracts
  • Create pricing contracts for different customer accounts, linking them to rate cards and set up the validity dates.

This update simplifies contract management, and ensures accurate pricing for each customer account.

Pricing contract

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Additional shipping charges configuration parameters

Quincus Platform > Customer Pricing > Shipping Charges

In this release, we've introduced additional pricing parameters, providing enhanced flexibility to configure rates that align closely with your business requirements.

shipping charge config parameters

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Add line items to price records

Quincus Platform > Customer Pricing > Price Repository > Price Record > Edit

You can now add new line items to existing price records before finalizing charges to your customers, ensuring all necessary fees are accounted for prior to billing.

add pricing line items

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Specific chargeable weight configuration

Quincus Platform > Customer Pricing > Settings > Chargeable Weight > Create
  • Set up different chargeable weight rules for various combinations of service types and customer accounts.

This update ensures precise and customized shipment weight configuration to meet each client's unique requirements.

specific weight config

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Specific financial status trigger configuration

Quincus Platform > Customer Pricing > Settings > Financial Status > Create
  • Configure distinct financial status triggers for various combinations of service types and customer accounts.

This update ensures real-time updates to each price record's financial status based on the shipment progress.

specific financial status trigger

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Customer Portal

Operations view on the Customer Portal 

Quincus Platform > Shipment > Shipments > Detailed View > Customer Portal Ops View

Access comprehensive order and shipment details, such as internal milestones tailored for internal operations teams.

operations view

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Customer view on the Customer Portal

Quincus Customer Portal > Track > Order > Activity Tab

Experience a simplified interface with access to common tracking milestones, ensuring transparency while maintaining vendor details confidentiality.

customer view

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Milestone reasons display

Quincus Customer Portal > Track > Order > Activity Tab

Display reasons for each milestone update, giving customers and internal teams better context on the status and progress of each shipment.

milestone reasons

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Enhanced service type selection

Quincus Customer Portal > Create > Single Order
  • Service types are now paired with service add-ons, enabling your customers to select either pickup or drop-off service for their order.
  • Allow customers to choose their preferred pickup and drop-off dates within your business's operating schedule.
  • Automatically calculate the estimated delivery time, based on your SLA configuration and operating schedule.

This update ensures that your end-customers select only service types and add-ons applicable to their order routes, improving order accuracy, reducing processing errors, therefore enhancing the overall customer experience.

Service type selector

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Set up custom field validations

* QFlow is configured outside of the Quincus Platform.
  • Configure custom validations to verify field inputs against specific criteria.
    • For e.g., you can reject orders when the declared value for an order exceeds the maximum order value threshold.

This update offers enhanced flexibility, allowing you to tailor order creation and shipment processing flows to meet your specific business requirements.

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UPU order ID configuration

* QFlow is configured outside of the Quincus Platform.
  • Configure order IDs to be generated according to UPU S10 standards.

This feature is ready for use by postal businesses, allowing UPU IDs to be generated when new orders are created on the Quincus Platform, streamlining operations and ensuring compliance with international postal regulations.

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Enhancements are improvements made to existing features on the Quincus Platform.

Capabilities: Enhancements:
Order & Customer Portal
> Bulk import orders
Bulk upload file for order import has been enhanced with "*" to denote mandatory fields, aligned header naming, accept service code, and 2-letter ISO country code.

Shipment 2.0
> Allocation Matrix

The allocation matrix bulk upload file has been enhanced to accept origin and destination locations at the country and state level.